Standing Together goes out to the soldiers throughout the year. While we make a huge effort to publicize our activities before the holidays in order to get more people involved, the truth is we go out to the IDF soldiers throughout the year. The rain, snow, heat, sand storms and terror attacks etc. cannot keep us away. We see the important value in constantly showing the IDF soldiers who fight for the safety of Israel and her citizens that they have worldwide support. We know that our visits make a difference. The soldiers and their commanders show their gratitude as we express our thanks to them while handing out treats.
Standing Together knows that soldiers standing alone at remote bus stops or in border towns await a friendly face. We know the power of our wonderful surprise visits. Standing Together, our donors and volunteers boost morale.
Your assistance in helping spead the word about Standing Together’s activities will bring more treats to the IDF soldiers. The more people who can get involved, the more Standing Together can give. Please see the donation options below.

The Israeli Army has given Standing Together permission to visit IDF soldiers. We have been doing so since December. Even during #coronavirus we are STANDING TOGETHER. Your donation will allow Standing Together to continue visiting IDF soldiers on duty and surprising them with wonderful cooling treats.
So awesome to see the smiles of the IDF and to show our appreciation. With your help Standing Together surprises IDF soldiers so that they know they are appreciated worldwide!
Click the appropriate donate link. Standing Together INC IS A REGISTERED TAX EXEMPT 501C3. ALL US & ISRAELI DONATIONS ARE TAX EXEMPT