
IDF Soldiers Have A Special Rosh Hashanah Message For You
. .While the Jewish nation will be celebrating and praying for a Happy Year to come, IDF soldiers will be

This Video of IDF Soldiers At The Cave of The Patriarchs Will Give You The Chills
, Watching these IDF soldiers praying at Mearat Hamachpela (Cave of the Patriarchs) will send chills up and down your

This Is Why Standing Together Is Working 24/7 To Say Thank You To IDF Soldiers
asdfg It is impossible to describe in words the difference Standing Together is making in the lives of thousands of

A Prayer For IDF Soldiers That Will Make You Smile
The quickly climbing KipahLive band sang this rendition of a prayer for IDF soldiers and it is PERFECT Let’s get this prayer heard

Life As a Husband, Father, Son, Brother and Soldier In The IDF
As I hit the halfway mark on my flight home from a 2-week speaking and fund-raising tour in the U.S.,

I Returned To Lebanon But This Time It Was All Smiles
When Standing Together’s IDF liaison, Rami Landau, called me and asked if I want to go Lebanon, my heart skipped

Wish IDF Soldiers A Shabbat Shalom
Wherever you are in the world, the weekend is a time to unwind, relax and spend time with family. For IDF

These IDF Soldiers Are Trained For Land, Sea and Air – Wait Till You See Why!
IDF Elite unit 669 was founded in 1974 following the Yom Kippur war. The unit’s original objective was to infiltrate enemy

The Connection Between The IDF, Purim & You
In a couple of weeks the Jewish nation will celebrate the holiday of Purim. While most Jewish holidays can be

Wait Till You See Why These IDF Soldiers Are Smiling
Here at Standing Together we have one goal and one goal only; Support IDF soldiers wherever they are and with whatever

Here’s Why I Flew To The US On Chanukah And Flew Back To Israel On New Years
By: Ari Fuld During the month of November I spent hours meeting with high ranking IDF officers of elite units.

This 57 Year Old Decided To Support The IDF, Wait Till You See How
By: Ari Fuld Whenever I travel to the States to speak about Israel or talk about my personal experience in the