I had the honor to join Rabbi Ben Packer in the magical city of Hebron. I had to pinch myself every half hour to make sure I was not dreaming as I visited the Cave of the Patriarchs (Mearat Hamachpela), where Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov are buried as are Sarah, Rivkah and Lead. After a short prayer by the Mamas and the Papas, I made it over to the graves of Yishai (King David’s father) and Rut (King David’s great-grandmother) and that’s when I was really blown away. Ben along with many volunteers completely cleared the area from garbage. The burial place of Rut and Yishai was used as a garbage dump by the local Arabs. Not only did Ben clean out the grave site, he and his team discovered an ancient synagogue that is now once again being used by Jews.
Watch This Amazing Video of Reclaiming Hebron!