Standing Together In Lebanon With IDF Soldiers

There is no greater time to show your support than when IDF soldiers are on active duty, operations and at war.
The men and women fighting on the front lines must put their safety last as they put their lives on the line to defend Israel and keep any and all threats at bay. Only those who lived through the hardships of war can possibly understand the physical and emotional pressures our soldiers are under. While there is not enough we can do to thank IDF soldiers for their personal sacrifice, Standing Together along with thousands of sponsors and volunteers are making sure Israel’s heroes know “we” are all behind them.
Everyone working at Standing Together are either currently serving in the IDF or have sons, daughters or friends who are in uniform. We know what it’s like, first-hand, to be at war and for that reason exactly, we do whatever we can to make sure the men and women of the IDF know full well that they have a full network of support that stretches across the globe.

Here is a short film from our efforts during the 2006 Lebanon war.
Pay close attention to the reaction of the soldiers and you will understand just how much your support means to them.


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