Standing Together jazzed up this year’s Purim and Pesach celebrations with the IDF. Usually for Purim we bring mishloach manot packed with love by our volunteers of all ages and we drive around the country delivering the packages to IDF soldiers standing guard at bus stops or on their bases. This year, Standing Together added more than just packages.
Delivering the mishloach manot with the Standing Together Hospitality Food Truck, we decided to give the soldiers the best Purim meal (seudah) we could think of” Hot waffles with whipped cream and chocolate syrup followed by ices for dessert. I know you might be thinking that is over the top but we at Standing Together think it is the least that we could do to show appreciation for our wonderful IDF.

Standing Together didn’t stop then! With only 4 weeks left until Pesach, we had a full itinerary of showing our love and support for IDF soldiers on active duty. Together with our donors and volunteers, Standing Together brought the IDF soldiers surprise Chametz parties where we gave out waffles and treats (some with wheat and of course some without – we couldn’t hold back).
Specifically for Pesach, Standing Together once again had the honor of teaming up with United with Israel to provide food packages and gift cards to soldiers from low income families. These packages contain many of the Pesach seder necessities as well as additional food for the holiday. The IDF lets Standing Together know who those soldiers are that are struggling financially while they dedicate their life to protect Israel.

During this time, unfortunately there were a number of terror attacks in Israel and it was super important to Standing Together that the IDF feel our strong support. We thank all our donors and volunteers for making the extra effort during this time to join together in honor of the IDF.
As we move towards Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel’s Memorial Day and Independence Day, know that Standing Together continues to go out to our IDF soldiers to bring treats and show support. Especially at this time, when we recall a world without the State of Israel, as well as those first days of the State, we are so grateful for our soldiers and feel it is incumbent upon us to show them appreciation. Join us and donate at