
IDF Soldiers Wishing You A Happy New Year
The Jewish new year 5780 is almost here. Standing Together is ready to greet the new year and the new

This Video of IDF Soldiers At The Cave of The Patriarchs Will Give You The Chills
, Watching these IDF soldiers praying at Mearat Hamachpela (Cave of the Patriarchs) will send chills up and down your

This Is The Standing Together Story
Sometimes people find the perfect job. In this case, Standing Together found me when I needed them the most. A little over

This Is Why Standing Together Is Working 24/7 To Say Thank You To IDF Soldiers
asdfg It is impossible to describe in words the difference Standing Together is making in the lives of thousands of

This Is What Happens When Terrorists Try To Stop Standing Together
The Standing Together’s motto is; IDF soldiers; wherever they are, whatever they need, we will be there for them! The

Standing Together In Lebanon With IDF Soldiers
There is no greater time to show your support than when IDF soldiers are on active duty, operations and at

A Lone Soldier Reunited With His Mom At The Perfect Time In The Perfect Place
Let me tell you a story that will make you laugh, cry and be very proud of our people and

When Your Neighbor Gets Drafted To The IDF In Freezing Weather, This Is What You Do
Written By: Ari Fuld Once a year, whether you’re a doctor, lawyer, teacher or student, the army calls you up

We Heard Over 700 IDF Paratroopers Finished Training, So… This Is What We Did
The Standing Together truck and trailer along with hundreds of volunteers and with the help of many sponsors, travels across

What Is The Best Way To Surprise IDF Soldiers On Duty? WATCH THIS!
The Vogel family came from Teaneck NJ to celebrate their daughter’s Bat Mitzvah. They wanted to do something meaningful

Rockin’ With IDF Soldiers!
Like so many other families, the Levy family from Westchester NY decided to join Standing Together and sponsor an outing

An Inside Look At How IDF Deals With Tunnels and Mines
The IDF units that train to detect and destroy Hamas terror tunnels are not designed for anyone with claustrophobia. Since Israel’s Gaza