News and Events

Harry’s Mission
This Summer, Harry’s on a Mission… Last January, Harry celebrated his Bar Mitzvah together with Standing Together and the soldiers

I Scream You Scream, Soldiers get Ice Cream!
This Yom Yerushalayim, a very special group of teens from the Young Israel of Woodmere in NY celebrated and honored

Comments from the Yom Haatzmaut Volunteers
” We got to work right away cooking and preparing for lunch. As 12:00 noon got closer we were in

Its Raining, Its Pouring
Its been raining for 3 straight days in the Jerusalem area. Its so cold that the stone walls mean that

Rosh Hashana Cards Made a Difference
This year’s Rosh Hashana card project was very successful. All of the volunteers who distributed the cards to our soldiers

Rosh Hashana Cards for our Chayalim
This years Rosh Hashana cards are off to a great start! When you send a card and a smile to

New Projects This Summer
Lots of new initiatives from Standing Together this summer. Many of you are on vacation but we assure you our

The Best Yom HaAtzmaut Ever
This year, Standing Together volunteers served up a bbq for about 1600 people. At 9 different army bases around the

Preparing for Pesach 2011
This Pesach (passover) season, Standing Together has many initiatives going on to boost the morale of the Soldiers for this

Tu B’Shevat (New Year of the Trees) for Students and Soldiers
This year, the students from Tiferet in Bet Shemesh celebrated Tu B’shevat, the new year of the trees, with our

In Their Own Words : An article from a volunteer
It was a cold Monday night when Rebecca Djanogly, Susie Cohen, Michaela Krantz and I went to volunteer with ‘Standing

Winter Hits Israel HARD; Snowstorm covers Northern Israel
We have stepped up our warm winter gear campaign and hope you will help! Standing Together’s Director of Development Miriam