News and Events

Yom HaAtzmaut 5773
A few thoughts about Standing Together’s Yom HaAtmaut BBQs. As the only employee of Standing Together, I can tell you

Yom HaAtzmaut is Almost Here!
After a lovely Pesach holiday with several visits to army bases distributing Kosher for Passover ices, ice cream and other

Purim 2013 Standing Together Style
Tues, Feb 19th, on a chilly day, about 20 volunteers and Standing Together (’s Director and Founder met in front

Winter Clothing Update
While the weather in the Golan remains cold, we appreciate the warm hearts of people everywhere who have supported our

Chanukah 2012
Over the 8 days of Chanukah, about 35 volunteers helped Standing Together’s Director, David Landau, prepare approximately 8000 fresh hot

Drop Off Points for IDF Donations
Standing Together, is going to IDF staging areas outside of Gaza to visit our soldiers almost daily. Volunteers are collecting

What We Do FAQ
We receive numerous questions about what we’re doing for the soldiers now deployed along the outskirts of Gaza. Here are

NY and NJ We are Standing With You

Winter 2012 is Coming!
The requests are coming in. Right now it’s a few times a week. As it gets colder at night here

No Cost to You, Priceless to the Soldiers
Announcing the launch of this year’s Standing Together,, Rosh Hashana Card Project. This is the easiest and most important

Rosh Hashana Cards for our Chayalim
This years Rosh Hashana cards are off to a great start! When you send a card and a smile to

Donate to Special IDF Unit
We are working to help out an elite unit of the Combat Engineering Corps. They perform special engineering tasks, and