
Saying Thank You To IDF Soldiers
Saying thank you is the least we can do for IDF soldiers who are constantly putting their lives on the line

IDF, We Are People Before We Are Fighters
There is an old joke told by Jews that goes something like this, the nations of the world come before God

The Connection Between The IDF, Purim & You
In a couple of weeks the Jewish nation will celebrate the holiday of Purim. While most Jewish holidays can be

A Beautiful Video Of IDF Support
The men and women of the IDF are always on duty and always ready to put their lives on the

Here Is What It Looks Like When An Amazing US Family Meets Amazing IDF Soldiers
Several weeks ago Debra May from Riverdale, NY, gave us a call at Standing Together and asked if she can

11 IDF Pictures That Will Make Your Day. (Especially #10)
By: Ari Fuld I am not sure what America, the UK or France looked like 66 years after they were

A Prayer To Protect The Men & Women Of The IDF
With tensions growing and IDF soldiers on constant alert, now is the time to support and pray for the safety of IDF soldiers.

This Video Will Give You An Inside Look At IDF Training
Israel, a country smaller than NJ, has enemies that both outnumber and out-weapon her and is constantly under threat of attack.

A Video Of IDF Supporters That Will Put A HUGE Smile On Your Face
By: Ari Fuld On Tuesday, January 20th, two full buses of students from the United States came out with Standing

Yeshivah Of Flatbush Teams Up With IDF For An Awesome Evening Of Support
It is very well known that the Yeshivah Of Flatbush’s student body is fluent in Hebrew. Besides being one of

Here Are 5 Things You Can Do For IDF Soldiers Right NOW!
By: Ari Fuld Working for something you believe in is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand

Beautiful Thoughts From A Mother Of An IDF Soldier: “Every Time He Leaves”
I lifted my head to look at the clock. 4:30 AM. I tell myself to go back to sleep. Sadok