Our Sages tell us that reaching the age of Mitzvot is a significant milestone in the life of a young person. This is the age at which children come of age; they are now old enough to be counted as responsible, contributing members of society. It is not surprising that many Bnei Mitzvah choose to mark this important transition with a special charity project.
Standing Together, which is run mostly by volunteers, is dedicated to showing the people who protect Israel and its’ soldiers our appreciation for their hard work. With the Standing Together truck and “hospitality trailer”, volunteers visit IDF soldiers at their bases and offer support, gratitude, hot and cold drinks, warm winter wear and many other treats. Standing Together can offer you a unique and exciting opportunity for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah project which combines two important Mitzvot of Gmilut Chassadim (loving kindness for others) and Hakarat Hatov (expression of gratitude). These two Mitzvot develop an understanding of the importance of two central values in the development of a young person living in our “I-centric” society today. Reinforcing that in the midst of our personal celebration reminds us to think of others and thank them for all that they do for us.
Why not mark your Bar/Bat Mitzvah with a great campaign, for 6 months – a year, to support the provision of “little extras” to soldiers on army bases in Israel. These small gestures let the chayalim know how much we love them and appreciate their efforts to keep us safe and secure: ice cream, pizza, hot and cold drinks, pancakes and other treats.
Please look through this extensive list of Standing Together’s unbelievable range of programs throughout the year. It would be great if you would choose five or more of these projects and make them your own. Be our ambassador during this special year. Help us show our chayalim that they are loved.
Standing Together :
Updated August 26, 2018

- Sends Rosh Hashana cards to soldiers, with personal messages of thanks from people all over the world.
- Runs a Pizza campaign, where people from around the world can sponsor pizza pies through donations on our website, to be delivered to bases – this is sometimes accompanied by Belgian waffles, ice cream and popcorn.
- Visits bases with Comfort Food Campaigns; the treats are seasonal – ice cream days in summer, coffee and popcorn days in winter.
- National Donut Week in schools all over the world at Chanuka time. Students raise money to provide donuts to soldiers, which Standing Together delivers.
- On Purim, Mishloach Manot bags are delivered to soldiers who are stationed on bases.
- Pesach time we provide grocery packages for needy soldiers and their families, and distribute Kosher for Passover chocolates and ice cream to chayalim.
- The Standing Together Hospitality Trailer serves coffee and other treats to chayalim who are stationed on bases throughout the year.
- The Standing Together Hospitality Trailer houses a mobile cell phone charging station for those soldiers who might need it. We have also recently installed a computer and mobile internet service in our Hospitality Trailer. This has facilitated Facebook and Skype conversations between soldiers and their families abroad. It has also allowed supporters overseas to see the soldiers whom they are helping