Article of: Miriam

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Send a Blessing to an IDF Soldier
A special version of the Priestly Blessing for IDF soldiers.

Standing Together Keeps IDF Soldiers Cool
If there’s one thing everyone in Israel can agree on, it’s that July and August are hot. And when it

Visiting the Wounded Commandos at Tel Hashomer Hospital
After the Flotilla attack, Standing Together went to Tel Hashomer hospital to show our appreciation for the danger they put

Food for the Body and the Soul
Standing Together and LIBI fund are launching a new initiative that will strengthen the Jewish Awareness of IDF soldiers. The

Yeshiva of Flatbush Joins Standing Together
On a cold, stormy night, 2 buses full of students and their families from Yeshiva of Flatbush visited our soldiers

GIRLS VS IDF Basketball Game

It’s All About the Smiles
Standing Together visits IDF soldiers throughout Israel all year long.