Max’s Bar Mitzvah Project

$4,662 of $10,000 raised

In honor of my bar mitzva and in honor of my counselor from Camp Morasha, Eyal who is currently serving in the Israeli Army, I am supporting Standing Together with the IDF.

Our IDF soldiers risk their lives every day so that Jews in Israel and all around the world can live in freedom. Standing Together with the IDF takes care of our soldiers by bringing them ice cream, waffles and other snacks when they need to be uplifted the most. B”H when I celebrate my bar mitzva in Israel this August I will be able to bring  the Standing Together food truck to an army base and serve the soldiers myself, so all of you will be part of that mitzva as well!

Before Ari Fuld z”l was murdered he came to my school, North Shore Hebrew Academy to speak about the important work that Standing Together with the IDF does. I am supporting this organization in his memory. Please help me reach my goal!

Take a moment to watch Standing Together with the IDF in action. Donation form below the video.

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Donation Total: $180.00 for 12


Lauren Zausmer

August 29, 2023

Amount Donated

Marcy Aharon

August 25, 2023

Amount Donated

Rochelle and Earl Zausmer

August 24, 2023

Amount Donated

Rebecca and Eric Senderowicz

June 1, 2023

Amount Donated

Gabriel Rosenberg

May 22, 2023

Mazel tov Max!!

Amount Donated

Michal and Steven Rosenzweig

May 21, 2023

Mazal Tov Max. Kol Hakavod!!!!!

Amount Donated

Allan Rozner

May 21, 2023

Mazal Tov Max!

Amount Donated

Ethan Bernstein

May 21, 2023

Mazel tov max!

Amount Donated
In honor of Max W.

Dina Kalaty

May 19, 2023

Tizkoo lmitzvot and Mazal tov!

Amount Donated
In honor of Max W.
Anonymous User


May 19, 2023

Amount Donated
In honor of Max W.

James Hammerman

May 19, 2023

Mazal Tov Max!

Amount Donated
In honor of Max W.

Sara Zausmer

May 19, 2023

Mazel tov, Max! What a wonderful project for your bar mitzvah! We are so proud of you. Love, Uncle Phil, Aunt Sara, Karoline and Anna

Amount Donated