You would not believe the evening I had. It started off just after dinner. I received a phone call from a chayal who told me that his group was going out for a run as part of their training to keep fit. He asked if I would surprise the group with hot drinks and treats on the hospitality truck. Their base is in Nablus which is near my home. I jumped at the invitation and rushed off. They were very excited because it is not usual for someone to come out to them in the middle of the night.
A few chayalot (women soldiers) joined me in the hospitality truck and we prepared hot pretzels,waffles topped with ice cream, and more. I always enjoy seeing the smiles on their faces because this tells the whole story.
But the evening was not over yet. Driving around Nablus (Shechem), I met otheŕ groups of chayalim who were also so happy to get some treats, leaving a trail of smiles as I drove home. For more photos, visit our Facebook post.
To help sponser, surprise waffles and other treats to our wonderful IDF, please Donate
November 8, 2021